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Bonus Episode: Interview with E-commerce Braintrust Podcast: Voice Commerce | Future Commerce

We're bringing you a bonus episode - we sat down with Kiri Masters of Ecommerce Braintrust Podcast to talk about the proliferation of voice and voice commerce -

Blessed Be the Algorithm

PLUS: Welcome Kiri Masters to Infinite Shelf! October 5, 2022. Welcome to Q4, futurists.

Visions Episode 6: Sacraments of Commerce: Have Brands Become Proto-Religions? | Future Commerce

Kiri Masters: [00:02:12] Awesome.

Visions Episode 7: The Homogenization of Experiences | Future Commerce

” - Kiri Masters.

“I am an eCommerce Fraud”

I was way out of of my depth,” read the text message that I sent to Kiri.

Uncharted Territory: Amazon and COVID-19 | Future Commerce

Phillip and Brian sit down with Kiri Masters to talk about how the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is affecting the world of DTC. this episode sponsored by.

Instacart for CMOs: The Four-Sided Marketplace | Future Commerce

Kiri Masters joins the pod to explain Instacart & how brands can leverage Instacart as a marketing strategy. this episode sponsored by. Show Notes. Transcript.

“23 Metrics That Matter” | Future Commerce

The guys sit down and hear from Kiri Masters about her newest report, Fit For Purpose: 23 Next-gen DSP Metrics That Measure What Matter, and the incredible insights

This is Vulnerability, Part 1 | Infinite Shelf

Listen in as she shares and introduces her new co-host, Kiri Masters. This Episode Sponsored by: Show Notes. Transcript. Creating Space.

Amazon: Equal Opportunity Addiction | Future Commerce

In this interview Kiri Masters, Author of "Amazon for CMOs", joins us to talk about her new book launch, how brands are battling addiction to the big-A, how consumers