The Power of Commerce: A 10-Day Meditation
Number 00
The Power of Commerce: A 10-Day Meditation
January 1, 2025
The London Brief is a series from Future Commerce covering commerce and culture
of the United Kingdom’s capitol city.

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I've found that in my spiritual life, a time of daily meditation can be a valuable force to challenge my thinking, and refocus my attention on the things that really matter. 

Why don't we have such a thing for eCommerce professionals?

‍If you're struggling to find meaning and purpose in your work, you're not alone. The fast-paced and constantly-evolving nature of the eCommerce industry can make it easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and lose sight of the bigger picture. A daily cerebration (guided reading and reflection) can provide a space for reflection and contemplation, helping eCommerce professionals to connect with their values and understand the role that commerce plays in society.

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Get our free daily meditation on the power of commerce. Unsub whenever. For real.

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I've found that in my spiritual life, a time of daily meditation can be a valuable force to challenge my thinking, and refocus my attention on the things that really matter. 

Why don't we have such a thing for eCommerce professionals?

‍If you're struggling to find meaning and purpose in your work, you're not alone. The fast-paced and constantly-evolving nature of the eCommerce industry can make it easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and lose sight of the bigger picture. A daily cerebration (guided reading and reflection) can provide a space for reflection and contemplation, helping eCommerce professionals to connect with their values and understand the role that commerce plays in society.

Get our free daily meditation on the power of commerce.

Get our free daily meditation on the power of commerce. Unsub whenever. For real.

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I've found that in my spiritual life, a time of daily meditation can be a valuable force to challenge my thinking, and refocus my attention on the things that really matter. 

Why don't we have such a thing for eCommerce professionals?

‍If you're struggling to find meaning and purpose in your work, you're not alone. The fast-paced and constantly-evolving nature of the eCommerce industry can make it easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and lose sight of the bigger picture. A daily cerebration (guided reading and reflection) can provide a space for reflection and contemplation, helping eCommerce professionals to connect with their values and understand the role that commerce plays in society.

Get our free daily meditation on the power of commerce.

Get our free daily meditation on the power of commerce. Unsub whenever. For real.

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I've found that in my spiritual life, a time of daily meditation can be a valuable force to challenge my thinking, and refocus my attention on the things that really matter. 

Why don't we have such a thing for eCommerce professionals?

‍If you're struggling to find meaning and purpose in your work, you're not alone. The fast-paced and constantly-evolving nature of the eCommerce industry can make it easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and lose sight of the bigger picture. A daily cerebration (guided reading and reflection) can provide a space for reflection and contemplation, helping eCommerce professionals to connect with their values and understand the role that commerce plays in society.

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